
Community Service Initiative (CSI)

Group 1 - Mural wall  Group members: Andrea Jonathan  Ester Doris Jocelyn Beh Zhi Ying Cyntia Marcela Catherine Leen It's the first day we started doing the room make over and we required to repaint the whole wall into white colour. The second progress that we made was started to do the mural painting,we started by drawing the proposed scenery with pencil first on the wall and we use masking tape to get a neat result. After finishing the touch up ,we started to peel of the pasking tape and here is the result! After finished painting the mural we started to repainting the windows frame and the door frame.  Final Outcome Presentation video

Interior design project III (Part 2)

Interior design project III (Part 2)  Final Project - Escapade  Final Board  

Interior design project III (Part 1)

Interior Design Project III (Part 1) Project 1 - Identity & Biz kiosk Project 2 - Site Analysis_Seen vs Unseen Group project
Videography - Group Assignment LINES The theme of this video is Lines ,it's a new experience for me to shoot a video with my group mates in different places which are at Laman Seni,KLIA, and Sasana Kijang .After the shoot we compile the video into a 2 minutes videos and insert a music inside it to make it more alive.last but not least I realised that either curvy line or straight line can produce an interesting artwork.